Turn tables

TURN 100 System, TURN 250
Orbitalservice - Drehvorrichtungen zum Orbitalschweissen - turn tables for orbital welding


Turn tables

TURN 100 System, TURN 250

Versatile use for orbital welding assemblies

With the turn tables TURN 100 System and TURN 250 two high-quality tools are available, which round up the palette of the most-known orbital welding tools (open weld heads, closed weld heads, tube-to-tubesheet weld heads). With these tools you are able to weld components, which can not be clamped in one of the above mentioned tools. Each turn table has hollow shafts, which enable the forming of the components, which have to be welded. The turn tables are offered with encoder-engine-gear-unit or with tacho-engine-unit. This enables the operation on welding systems of our competitors.

TURN 100

Our TURN 100 turntables may be less well known than our standard orbital welding tools (open welding tongs, closed welding tongs, tube-to-tubesheet weld heads) but they are the perfect addition to our range. They enable you to weld components and assemblies even when the workpieces cannot be clamped in any of the tools referred to above. They feature a hollow shaft for forming the assemblies that you are welding.

  • 100 mm three-jaw chuck with hollow shaft (16 mm) for forming
  • Turntable can be mounted on a model 16 perforated table
  • An infinite number of connection options (pneumatic clamping cylinder, tailstock, linear guide units, etc.)
  • Variable work plate size
  • If necessary, can be mounted on a mobile welding trolley
  • Turntable
  • Perforated plate
  • Torch holder on 3D articulated arm
  • Linear support with 2 limit stops

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TURN 250

The turn table TURN 250 has an area of application of OD 20 mm – OD 250 mm.
The TURN 250 has an area of application of OD 20 mm up to OD 250 mm. For the forming a hollow shaft of 70 mm is available.

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